September 19. 2022 – Ps 88, Pr 17, Isa 3

See now, the Lord, the Lord Almighty…
Isaiah 3:1 NIV

I thought the following information on the Hebrew words for Lord, LORD are. Everything in quotes is from the Enduring Word commentary that is linked below.

“i. Isaiah 3:1 is a good example of the way two Hebrew words may be used, each translated Lord. In this verse, the first time Lord is used, it translates the Hebrew word adonai, which means “master, owner, sovereign.” It is a broad word that can be applied to a human master as well as the Lord GOD, the ultimate Master. The second time LORD is used, and is printed in small capitals, it translates the Hebrew word Yahweh, which is the sacred name of the Triune God. So, it may be that the Hebrew Bible could use the phrase adonai Yahweh, which could be translated into English as Lord LORD, but actually means “Master Yahweh.” That phrase appears more than 300 times in the Old Testament. Most of the time, the phrase is translated Lord GOD in the New King James Version.”


“I will make mere youths their officials; children will rule over them.”
Isaiah 3:4 NIV

Ever feel like our country is being run by a bunch of children? I know that I do. I believe that God is in control and that he puts our leaders into power according to His will and plan. This shows us that sometimes His will and plan can be for judgment on a nation. In church we were called to pray for our nation and leadership. There has been much concern voiced in church for our nation and the decisions that are being made. It is all very valid concern. We can and should pray but we must also be willing to speak out and stand up for what is right and what our leadership is doing that goes against God’s word.

“One way God may bring judgment on a nation is to curse them with incompetent, ungodly leaders. Often, this is the simplest avenue of judgment: giving people what their wicked hearts desire.” Enduring Word

“The look on their faces testifies against them; they parade their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it. Woe to them! They have brought disaster upon themselves.
Isaiah 3:9 NIV

“c. And they declare their sin as Sodom; they do not hide it: Their sin is openly displayed, and they have no sense of shame. The cultural dynamic in Isaiah’s day was probably much the same as in our time.” Enduring Word

Our nation and most of the world not only has no shame for sin but expects it to be received as non-sinful and even good and healthy by everyone. The morality of the world has been slowly eroded away at over the years. Think about things that were considered sinful 100 or even 50 yrs ago that are now considered normal, healthy and even good. Premarital sex and living together before marriage. These things happened but they were still acknowledged as sin. Today sin is not even acknowledged as sin. Now it has become a cultural norm. Divorce apart from marital unfaithfulness or that of an unbelieving spouse leaving a believing spouse. Again, not only norm but expected. I could go on but I think you get the point. Over time evil has crept into believers lives more and more. On WORD FM this morning I caught the very end of a sermon by Bill Baily on Journey by Grace. I don’t know what all he was talking about before I got in the car but he said something about evil. He said evil is in what we think. Jesus has not defeated evil he has defeated sin. Evil and sin are always together but evil is something we need to overcome. I know that he was preaching on the book of James. It really struck me of the reality of this. I have heard people say that the thought is not the sin the action is. It always sounded like if you think it but you don’t do it then it is okay but this says otherwise. If you think evil thoughts they are still evil. Even if you do not do them. This verse came to mind as he was talking. Isn’t that exactly how evil has worked its way into the life of the church? It is the thoughts of things like “Not that there is anything wrong with that”. Or “I would never but it’s okay for…if…”. How about “That’s just the way it is now”. Those thoughts stop us from thinking the truths of God’s word and from speaking the truths of God’s word. The evil thoughts that say sexual immorality is not a sin has now become the acceptable action. Justifying lying and stealing, drunkenness and laziness is a mentality that is encouraged. I just had a conversation with a friend about the stories of people being sued by the person who broke into their house and was injured and how they won their cases. How does that happen? Sin is no longer considered sin, that is how. I have open discussion time at youth group tonight. I pray that God guides my thoughts and my words as well as my other leaders because the lies that our youth are being told is overwhelming. They have been taught that sin is not sin and that the church is a place of hate and condemnation.  So the church needs to be the one place they should be able to feel loved, safe and heard but they should also hear truth.

Tell the righteous it will be well with them, for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds.
Isaiah 3:10 NIV

“e. Say to the righteous that it shall be well with them, for they shall eat the fruit of their doings: Even in the midst of judgment, God knows how to bless and protect His people. Sometimes this is only seen in the perspective of eternity, but God assures us that the righteous will never share the same fate as the wicked. Abraham knew this principle well when he said to the LORD, “Far be it from You to do such a thing as this, to slay the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous should be as the wicked; far be it from You! Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?” (Genesis 18:25)”

Ahhhh what relief, even in all this punishment there is still hope. Just as the wicked receive the fruits of their deeds so shall the righteous, even if we have to wait for eternity for it, I’ll take that. I also pray that our youth will hear it, receive it and live it!


Enduring Word Bible Commentary Isaiah Chapter 3

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